Hedera is a decentralized public network where developers can build secure, fair applications with near real-time consensus. The platform is owned and governed by a council of global innovators including Avery Dennison, Boeing, Deutsche Telekom, DLA Piper, FIS (WorldPay), Google, IBM, LG Electronics, Magalu, Nomura, Swirlds, Tata Communications, University College London (UCL), Wipro, and Zain Group.
The Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) acts as a trust layer for any application or permissioned network and allows for the creation of an immutable and verifiable log of messages. Application messages are submitted to the Hedera network for consensus, given a trusted timestamp, and fairly ordered. Use HCS to track assets across a supply chain, create auditable logs of events in an advertising platform, or even use it as a decentralized ordering service.
Hedera是一个使用哈希图共识形式的快速(>10,000+ TPS)、安全(aBFT,可能是分布式账本最安全的)、公平 (所有活动的时间点公开透明,不容许隐藏交易纪录)的公共账本网路。
该项目依靠Hashgraph(一种由CTO Leemon Baird博士发明的异步拜占庭容错(aBFT)算法)达成网络共识。
10000 TPS的交易费为0.0001美元,3-5秒结算。