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Tether Gold币价格今日行情_XAUT(tether-gold)最新价格
2025-02-22 02:26:20
Tether Gold(XAUT) 今日行情
更新于:2025-02-21 05:50:34
  • 24小时最高价 $ 2951.8264
    24小时最低价 $ 2927.0715
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ 0.0018
    1周涨跌幅 $ 0.0023
  • 1周最高价 $ 3005.9843
    1周最低价 $ 2883.253
  • 1月最高价 $ 3005.9843
    1月最低价 $ 2706.4091
  • 历史最高价 $ 3005.9843
    历史最低价 $ 1438.6159
Tether Gold(XAUT)行情数据/交易对
  • 交易平台 最新价格 24H成交量 24H交易额 24小时涨幅 更新时间
  • huobipro XAUT/USDT 2,939.04 158.54 $4.67万 -0.0007 刚刚
  • okex XAUT/USDT 2,938.00 115.63 $3.4万 0.0029 刚刚
  • coinw XAUT/USDT 2,941.21 109.44 $3.22万 0.0051 刚刚
  • bitfinex XAUT/USD 2,928.40 80.97 $2.37万 -0.0026 刚刚
  • ethfinex XAUT/USD 2,928.40 80.97 $2.37万 -0.0026 刚刚
  • bitget XAUT/USDT 2,935.40 52.30 $1.54万 0.0015 刚刚
  • gate-io XAUT/USDT 2,935.60 45.89 $1.35万 0.0023 刚刚
  • mxc XAUT/USDT 2,953.00 45.17 $1.33万 0.0059 刚刚
  • xt XAUT/USDT 2,934.40 40.20 $1.18万 0.0032 刚刚
  • bitfinex XAUT/UST 2,933.90 30.06 $0.88万 0.0018 刚刚
  • ethfinex XAUT/UST 2,933.90 30.06 $0.88万 0.0018 刚刚
  • ethfinex XAUT/BTC 0.03 14.97 $0.44万 -0.0194 刚刚
  • bitfinex XAUT/BTC 0.03 14.97 $0.44万 -0.0194 刚刚
  • bingx XAUT/USDT 2,937.80 10.39 $0.31万 0.0031 刚刚
  • bigone XAUT/USDT 2,920.90 10.37 $0.3万 -0.0004 刚刚
  • bitrue XAUT/USDT 2,935.80 6.96 $0.2万 0 刚刚
  • exmo XAUT/USDT 2,899.18 6.65 $0.19万 0 刚刚
  • latoken XAUT/USDT 2,938.60 5.59 $0.16万 0.0022 刚刚
  • whitebit XAUT/USDT 2,940.70 5.48 $0.16万 0 刚刚
  • coinex XAUT/USDT 2,966.31 2.86 $0.08万 0.0124 刚刚
  • indodax XAUT/IDR 47,808,420.00 0.10 $0万 0 刚刚
  • probit XAUT/USDT 2,849.00 0.08 $0万 -1.33 刚刚
  • btse XAUT/USDT 2,944.08 0.02 $0万 0.0068 刚刚
  • btse XAUT/USD 2,945.65 0.02 $0万 0.0073 刚刚
  • btse XAUT/USDC 2,660.06 0.00 $0 0 刚刚
  • btse XAUT/BTC 0.03 0.00 $0 0 刚刚
  • digifinex XAUT/USDT 2,878.98 0.00 $0 0 刚刚
Tether Gold币种介绍

Tether Gold (Gold) 是由TG Commodities Limited公司推出的黄金稳定币。每一个XAUT代币代表伦敦合格交割的1盎司黄金。购买后,持有者可以将XAUt代币从所发行的Tether钱包转移至任何链上的地址。与之对应的金条会连接至存放Tether Gold的特定链上地址。

Each XAU₮ token represents ownership of one troy fine ounce of physical gold on a specific gold bar. XAU₮, which is available as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and as a TRC20 token on the TRON blockchain, can be transferred to any on-chain address from the purchasers’ Tether wallet. Furthermore, Tether Gold (XAU₮) is the only product among the competition that offers zero custody fees and has direct control over the physical gold storage, safely held in a Switzerland vault, adopting best in class security and anti-threat measures. Today, Tether Gold (XAU₮) is the best way to hold Gold.